WITS 2022 Registration


The registration is no longer available. 

Registration fees

Early (By Nov 10)$200$400
Regular (Nov 11 – Dec 10)$250$500
Late/Onsite (Dec 11 – 16)$300$600

We only accept credit card payment. We have prepared four slides for the steps of registration here. Please Contact Abeer Sumeir, abeer.sumeir@utdallas.edu, +1-972-883-2085 for questions on registration.


Subsidized Registration Fees

Continuing the tradition from the previous workshop, WITS 2022 has set aside a limited pool of funds to subsidize the registration fees for doctoral students from Low and Middle Income Countries (LIMC) who will be attending the workshop in person. The list of LIMC countries, as designated by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), is available from: https://webfs.oecd.org/oda/DataCollection/DAC%20List/DAC-List-of-ODA-Recipients-for-reporting-2022-23-flows.pdf. Qualified doctoral student attendees from WITS 2022 are encouraged to apply for the subsidy by sending a request to the two conference co-chairs: Chee-Wee Tan [ct.digi@cbs.dk] and Eric Zheng [ericz@utdallas.edu]. The request should include an official letter from the PhD director or supervisor responsible for the applicant stating that the institution is unable to fully cover the travel expenses. The amount of subsidy to be awarded to each applicant will be determined based on the number of requests we receive.