WITS 2022 Call For Papers

Call for Papers


(WITS 2022)

 Copenhagen, Denmark

December 14-16, 2022

WITS Facebook Page

supported by the
INFORMS Information Systems Society


The 32nd Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS’22) will be held primarily as an in-person meeting at Copenhagen Business School (CBS) in Copenhagen, Denmark with an option for remote participation reserved mainly for presenters who are unable to attend physically due to travel restrictions. A notable change for this year’s workshop is that it will begin from noon (lunch provided) on the Wednesday of December 14th, 2022 and end in the early afternoon of the Friday on December 16th, 2022 after the award ceremony (lunch provided). Please check out the tentative program schedule at WITS Program. The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for discussion and interaction among scholars with research interests in the cutting-edge issues of information technologies and systems. The theme of WITS 2022 is “Embracing Digital Asset Disruption in the Digital Economy.

A historical migration, known as the metaverse, is coming whereby the physical and virtual worlds will be unified. Facilitated by information technology, value will be allowed to flow freely within the metaverse through tokenization of tangible and intangible assets. Digital currencies, cryptos, and Non-Fungible Token (NFTs) will fuel the growth of the digital economy by giving birth to a novel class of digital assets that offer seamless on-ramp and off-ramp bridges to conventional asset classes. In turn, innovations will stem from the disintermediation and reintermediation of conventional businesses to deliver distinctive and/or greater value at higher efficiency. These new forms of value creation will be founded on the bedrock of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, and Internet of Things (IoT). They will also disrupt existing modes of data acquisition, generation, processing, and monetization. To thrive in the digital economy, there is a fundamental need for organizations to rethink contemporary business paradigms governed by geopolitical boundaries, especially in terms of how one could create, own, protect, and transact digital assets in this space. This year’s conference theme is deliberately provocative to inspire information systems researchers to explore and design pioneering technological solutions for embracing digital asset disruption. This theme is inclusive and engages research across a broad range of topics, including the following:

Agent-Based Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Blockchain Technologies
Cloud Computing
Computational Algorithms
Conceptual Modeling
Data, Text and Web Mining
Digital Asset Technologies
E-Business and E-Commerce
Energy Informatics
Enterprise Systems and Resource Planning
Fairness and Ethics of AI
Green Computing
Grid Computing
Healthcare Technologies
Human-Computer Interface
Information Quality, Privacy, and Security
Intelligent Systems and Technologies
Knowledge Management Technologies
Mobile Commerce and IoT Technologies
Network Economics
Non-Fungible Token (NFTs)
Peer-to-Peer Technologies
Personalization Technologies
Persuasive Technologies
Process Management and Mining
Recommender Systems
Resource and Organizational Modeling
Security and Cryptography Techniques
Sharing Economy and Platform techniques
Social Networks
Smart City & Sustainable IT
Supply Chains and IT
Systems Analysis and Design
Systems for Collaboration & Negotiation Support
Token Economics


Deadline for Completed Research and Research-in-Progress Papers

August 15, 2022 –> Aug 31, 2022

Deadline for Dissertation Proposal, Demo/Prototype and Industry Forum

October 1, 2022

Acceptance Notification (Completed Research and Research-in-Progress Papers)

October 1, 2022 –> October 10, 2022

Acceptance Notification (Dissertation Proposal, Demo/Prototype and Industry Forum)

October 10, 2022

Deadline for Camera-ready Copy of All Submissions

November 15, 2022 -> October 15, 2022

Workshop Dates

December 14–16, 2022


All submissions must be prepared according to the submission template and sent in electronic form through the WITS 2022 submission system at: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/WITS2022.

When submitting to WITS 2022, please select from one of the five categories below and each paper or proposal can only be submitted to one category.

  • Completed Full Research Paper             (maximum 15 pages)
  • Research-in-Progress Poster Paper      (maximum 10 pages)
  • Dissertation Proposal                               (maximum 10 pages)
  • Demo/Prototype                                        (maximum 10 pages)
  • Industry Forum                                           (maximum 10 pages)

Completed Full Research Paper

Submitted full research papers are limited to 15 double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 8.5″ by 11″ pages (including tables, figures, and references and 1″ margins on all sides). All submissions will be subjected to double blind review. Selection for presentation at the workshop and publication in the proceedings will be based on originality, contribution to the field, and alignment with the theme of the workshop. Authors of accepted full research papers will be required to present at the workshop. Accepted full research papers will also be considered for the Best Paper or the Best Workshop Theme Paper awards. When appropriate, the program chairs may acept early-stage full research papers as research-in-progress papers.

Research-in-Progress Poster Paper

We also encourage research-in-progress paper submissions for authors to gather feedback on early stage work. Submitted research-in-progress papers are limited to 10 double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 8.5″ by 11″ pages (including tables, figures, and references and 1″ margins on all sides). Accepted research-in-progress papers will be presented as posters with a designated space being provided for poster displays during the poster session. Authors of accepted research-in-progress will also be accorded time to briefly present their work during the ignite session.

Dissertation Proposal

Dissertation proposal submissions are targeted at doctoral students who have NOT completed their dissertation, but have successfully proposed it by July 1st, 2022 and desired feedback on the research proposed for their dissertation. Dissertation proposals should not exceed 10 double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 8.5″ by 11″ pages (including tables, figures, and references and 1″ margins on all sides). Accepted dissertation proposals will be invited for presentation at the workshop and be considered for the Best Dissertation Proposal award.


Demo/Prototype submissions are intended for showcasing developed software or hardware prototypes and should not exceed 10 double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 8.5″ by 11″ pages (including tables, figures, and references and 1″ margins on all sides). Additionally, demo/prototype submissions should include, wherever feasible, links to the associated software or hardware demo (along with screenshots to provide audiences with an indication of its functionality).

Industry Forum

WITS 2022 invites submissions from practitioners to share experience and insights from industrial practices on information technology. We especially welcome submissions on topics related to digital asset disruption, the theme for this year’s workshop. Submissions for industry forum should not exceed 10 double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-point font, 8.5″ by 11″ pages (including tables, figures, and references and 1″ margins on all sides).

Best Paper Awards

In addition to the “Best Paper Award” and “Best Dissertation Award”, WITS 2022 will also debut two new awards: “Best Student Paper” that recognizes the most outstanding accepted completed research paper led by a student and “Best Workshop Theme Paper” that recognizes an accepted full research or poster paper which best reflects the workshop theme of digital asset disruption. Apart from a plague, we plan to issue each award receipient with a uniquely-designed NFT.

For more detailed information about the submission, please check Submissions page.

Journal Publication Opportunity

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit complete versions of their research for fast track review in ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice (DLT), ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS), Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Informs Journal on Data Science (JDS), Information Technology and Management (ITM), and Journal of Management Analytics (JMA).


Committee Members

Conference Chairs
Chee-Wee Tan, Copenhagen Business School
Zhiqiang (Eric) Zheng, University of Texas at Dallas
Program Chairs
Panagiotis Adamopoulos, Emory University
Gene Moo Lee, University of British Columia
Jingjing Zhang, Indiana University
Local Arrangement Chairs
Qiqi Jiang, Copenhagen Business School
Erol Kazan, IT University of Copenhagen
Ignite (Short Talk) Session Chairs
Abayomi Baiyere, Copenhagen Business School
Yan Leng, University of Texas at Austin


Demo/Prototype Session Chairs
Mads Bødker, Copenhagen Business School
Yijing Li, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Industry Presentation Chairs
Jonas Valbjørn Andersen, IT University of Copenhagen
Michael Chau, University of Hong Kong
Web Chairs
Zhao Cai, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Cheng Nie, Iowa State University
Digital Communications Chair
Mengyao Fu, City University of Hong Kong
Best Paper Award Chair
Balaji Padmanabhan, University of South Florida
Best Thesis Award Chair 
Ram Gopal, University of Warwick
Publicity Chairs
Alain Chong, University of Nottingham Ningbo China
John Dong, Trinity College Dublin
Satish Krishnan, Indian Institute of Management
Cheng Suang Heng, National University of Singapore
Fei Liu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Christian Libaque, Universidad del Pacifico
Eric T. K. Lim, UNSW Sydney
Hefu Liu, University of Science and Technology of China
Alexander Mädche, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology