The Prabuddha De Best Paper Award
In 2022, the WITS Best Paper Award was renamed the “Prabuddha De Best Paper Award” in honor of Prabuddha De’s many years of service to the WITS community, and in recognition of his generous financial gift to WITS. Prabuddha joined the Krannert School of Management at Purdue University in 2002, recruited as one of the school’s first endowed faculty. He retired in 2020 and now holds the title of Accenture Professor Emeritus of Information Technology at the same school of Purdue University, renamed in 2023 as the Daniels School of Business.
Prabuddha served as a co-chair of WITS in 1994 (the fourth WITS), and served as the first President of WITS (1998-2000) after it was incorporated as a non-profit organization. He has served several terms as an Advisor since then. He is also one of the seven inaugural INFORMS ISS Distinguished Fellows (2009) and the first person from the WITS community to become an AIS Fellow (2014).
Some recent winners of the Prabuddha De Best Paper Award include:
WITS 2022:
Kyuhan Lee (Arizona State University), Jihae Suh (Seoul National University of Science and Technology), Jinsoo Park (Seoul National University) for their article on “Is Transparency the Best Policy? Impact of (Im)Plausible AI Transparency on Human Trust in AI for Fake News Detection”
WITS 2023:
Ozgur Aksoy (UT Dallas), Mehmet Ayvaci (UT Dallas), Asunur Cezar (UT Dallas), Srinavasan Raghunathan (UT Dallas) for their article on “When Systemic Biases Taint Algorithms A Path to More Equitable Access in Healthcare”