WITS2019 Program Schedule

WITS 2019: December 18-20, 2019, Munich, Germany

Program in PDF format:
Program Overview
Full Program Brochure

Program Overview

December 18, 2019
5.15 – 6.00 pmEntry to Hubertussaal at Nymphenburg Palace (separate registration required; bring your email invitation)
6.00 – 8.00 pmWelcome and Opening Keynote
 Opening KeynotePaul Milgrom
Stanford University
 8.00-9.30 pmReception, Foyer Nymphenburg, Drinks, Finger Food
December 19, 2019
 Room Ludwig
Room Leopold
Room Franz
Event Center
from 8.15 amRegistration
9.00-10.15 amIndustry Keynote (Event Center)
   WITS OpeningM. Bichler and W. Ketter  
   Industry KeynoteJens Johannesson and
Patrick G. Walch
Telefónica Germany
10.15-10.30 amCoffee Break
10.30am –
12.00 pm
Machine LearningPolicy, Awareness, Sustainability and SystemsDemonstrators and Teaching Cases I
12.00-1.00 pmLunch
1.00-2.30 pmPanel on Analytics (Event Center)
2.30-2.45 pmCoffee Break and Poster Exhibits
2.45-4.15 pmAuction Design IRecommendation SystemsHealthcare IDemonstrators and Teaching Cases II
4.15-4.30 pmCoffee Break and Poster Exhibit
4.30-6.00 pmShort Paper Session ISharing EconomySocial Media Analytics I
6.00-7.00 pmBus Transfer to the Hofbräuhaus (please bring your conference badge!)
7.00-10.00 pmDinner at the Hofbräuhaus and Awards
December 20, 2019
 Room Ludwig
Room Leopold
Room Franz
Event Center
from 7.45 amWITS Board Meeting
from 8.30 amRegistration
9.00-10.30 amAuction Design IIIT StrategiesDissertation Proposals
10.30-10.45 amCoffee Break and Poster Exhibit
10.45 am – 12.00 pmAcademic Keynote (Event Center)
WITS 2020
 R. Padman and S. Sen 
   Academic KeynoteWil van der Aalst
RWTH Aachen 
12.00-1.00 pmLunch
1.00-2.30 pmSocial Media Analytics IIBlockchain Technologies and Healthcare II
2.30 – 2.40 pmCoffee Break
2.40-4.10 pmTrustworthy AI/MLAdvertisingShort Paper Session II
4.10-4.40 pmWITS General Body Meeting