Date: 17-19 March 2023
Place: Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
Organizing Committee:
Ram Gopal, Warwick Business School
Yi Ding, Warwick Business School
Details and Scope
The past decade has witnessed the transformative impact of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, blockchain, mobile payments, cryptocurrencies, and crowdfunding platforms on financial activities. Multi-disciplinary endeavors from diverse domains including information systems, finance, data science, and engineering are continuously contributing to the field. This feeder workshop encourages presentations that address new challenges or new developments relevant to FinTech. In particular, the feeder workshop will endeavor to highlight recent generative AI developments and their implications for financial activity.
The WITS Warwick Feeder Workshop aims at initiating the conversation about new business applications, novel datasets, advanced technical developments, social and economic impacts of FinTech and AI. Centered on the Warwick Business School’s Gillmore Centre for Financial Technology and the Gillmore finXtech Lab, the event will connect practitioners and scholars with the aim to generate impactful research directions.