
Overview and Program Schedule

WITS 2017 was held in the lovely Imperial Palace Hotel in Seoul, South Korea on December 13-14, 2017. The detailed program schedule and detailed program brochure for the conference can be found here:

WITS 2017 Program Schedule

WITS 2017 Detailed Program Brochure

Slides for the panel discussion on Government-Academia Collaboration, featuring Sudip Bhattacharjee, Paul Pavlou, and Sudha Ram can be found here: WITS 2017 Panel Discussion

Pictures from the workshop, and information regarding the organizing committee, best paper award nominees, and best prototype awards is as follows.

Workshop Picture Gallery

Photo Album #1
Photo Album #2

Organizing Committee

General Co-Chairs:

Raghu T. Santanam, Arizona State University

Victoria Yoon, Virginia Commonwealth University
Review Coordinators:

Hemant K. Jain, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Wei Thoo Yue, City University of Hong Kong
Local Arrangement Co-Chairs:

Daegon Cho, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Chulho Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Poster and Prototype Demos Session Chair:

Vijayan Sugumaran, Oakland University


Gene Moo Lee, University of British Columbia

Best Paper Award Nominees and Winners:

Zhiling Guo, Jin Li and R. Ramesh, Optimal Resource Provisioning in Virtualized Cloud Data Centers (Best Paper Nominee)

Liliane Ableitner, Verena Tiefenbeck, Sabiölla Hosseini, Schöb Samuel, Gilbert Fridgen and Thorsten Staake, Real-World Impact of Information Systems: The Effect of Seemingly Small Design Choices (Best Paper Award)

Warut Khern-Am-Nuai, Matthew Hashim, Alain Pinsonneault, Weining Yang and Ninghui Li, Designing Better Password Strength Meters By Incorporating Contextual Information (Best Paper Nominee)

Dapeng Liu, An Ontology-Driven Framework Leveraging Indexical Pragmatics (ODIP) for Domain-Specific Information Retrieval (Best Paper Nominee)

Haoyuan Feng, Jin Tian and Jennifer Zhang, Modeling User Interest Evolution with Expertise Accumulation(Best Paper Runner-up)

Best RIP Award Nominees and Winners:

Kihyun Hannah Kim, Soohyun Cho and Denish Shah, Personalizing Brand Communication on Social Media (Best RIP Nominee)

Saeede Eftekhari, Niam Yaraghi, Ram Gopal and Ram Ramesh, Designing IncentivePricing Mechanisms to Promote Health Information Exchange
(Best RIP Nominee)

Yun-Sik Choi, Shu He, Gene Moo Lee, Chung Man Leung, Andrew Whinston and Yunhui Zhuang, A Pan-Asian Field Experiment of Organizational Awareness to Information Security and Preparedness Against Cybercrime (Best RIP Runner-up)

Best Dissertation Proposal Award:

Wenli Zhang, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning for Chronic Disease Management and Prevention: Focus on Asthma